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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    WWE Games - List of Bugs That are Still Present Post Patch 1.08:

    WWE Games - List of Bugs That are Still Present Post Patch 1.08:

    List of Bugs That are Still Present Post Patch 1.08:

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Strike through: Fixed

    In between brackets: some things you have to know, and wether it's fixed or needs confirmation from others.

    If you have any bugs that I haven't written here then just tell me.


    -Jeff Hardy's face paint can't be changed in any way, it should allow us to change its color and transparency. This has been an issue since release, why is this even a thing?

    -Finn Bálor's face paint can be edited but not his body paint, so that would be a problem for freedom of customization. Fix this, this has been an issue since release, it's so small yet no one bothered doing any progress. (Fixed)

    -Custom Titles don't get announced properly in Title matches in Universe Mode.

    -If you go into MyUniverse —> CHAMPIONSHIPS—> then try to assign a championship to someone, the game always seems to crash for me. You can only assign titles safely in the edit show section.(Fixed)

    -image uploader doesn't work properly. 70% of the time the images don't go into the game which is a huge problem if I want to create anything since it's really frustrating.

    -In Create a Championship some titles' straps (examples: North American Title Strap, Cruiserweight Title Strap) don't get colored properly when you try to change color, it says color 1 and color 2 and each of them is just a different transparent layer on each other which isn't supposed to happen. Please fix this quickly, I can't freely edit my championships.(Fixed)

    -In Universe Mode when a match card has a custom title the ring announcer doesn't announce anyone's name in non-title matches.

    -In Universe Mode when I click on "Customize Participants" it doesn't keep the participants that were already in the match as selected, so have to choose them all over again making this a bit frustrating and inconvenient.

    -Exiting Universe Mode removes the title from the title match.

    -Exiting Universe Mode changes some, if not all, the matches that were already set and saved before exiting, this was a persisting in the previous games too. (I haven't experienced this so far, maybe it's fixed but I also haven't experienced this for a little while before the update came out. My current match card is in tact)

    -Sometimes the referee doesn't count. The referee also always stays far away from the two opponents that are fighting in the backstage parking lot and falls count anywhere matches. If a pinfall happens he takes a while to reach the two superstars, and that sometimes causes the pinfall to cancel due to the referee not reaching the superstars in time, causing frustration for the player.

    -Championship matches are broken in Universe Mode, when you book a Championship match, then when you exit that show, it will automatically become a Non-Title match.

    -Bo Dallas "Bo-Lieve" Shirt clips though skin. (The clipping is barely visible on his chest area when he wears it)

    -Can't grab steel chairs at ringside in a custom arena, There is an invisible wall between the floor mat and the announcers table that you can't pass though to get to the chairs or ring bell set up at ringside.

    -Ring bell is missing it's table in custom arenas, it's not sitting on anything, the bell just floats in midair.

    -Can't go over the railing in custom arenas even though arena was designed with fighting pit area in the crowd.

    -Announce table monitors sometimes glitch through the floor after clearing announcer table.(Fixed, I have not experienced this)

    -After a kick out, the superstar that kicked out will immediately recover, which isn't realistic and never happened before patch 1.06, so a removal of this would be for the best since the superstar is supposed to take a while to recover from a move that he/she got hit with. Just remove this feature please, it's unrealistic and frustrating, literally nobody I've asked likes this, it's useless and should be removed, it doesn't add anything to the game, it only removes immersion.

    -Batista theme from his Wasteland variations isn't selectable in Jukebox.

    -Entrance music for unpurchased wrestlers plays on the menu, even when no music is selected.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's been fixed for you)

    -Game crashes when trying to copy parts (Knee Pads, Gloves, Wrist Band, etc..) that have logos on them to the other side.(Fixed)

    -Face photos don't have a scroll bar or a second page, so while you can download more than 16 face images, you can only select the first 16.(Can't confirm, tell me if this has been fixed for you)


    -Before Patch 1.07: Choosing "Brawl" match type and picking the brawl area doesn't matter in Universe Mode, it chooses the area at random as if I haven't chosen it myself.

    After Patch 1.07: We are not allowed to choose the brawl area in universe anymore, it chooses at random once you select the brawl match type. If you want a different area you'll have to exit then select brawl again, and again, until you see that the picked the area you desire to use. This needs to be fixed ASAP, we can't even get a freedom of choice because of that lazy "fix".


    -Music doesn't play until replays are over in Custom arenas.

    -Lighting Doesn't appear in Advanced Entrances. (only way to fix this currently is to put the lighting forward by one flick for it to show up on entrances)

    -(Create a Championship) reliefs are visually broken when selected and put on sideplates.

    -At the start of a tag team match the player switches targets to their own partner or referee.

    -The "Glow" and "Blacklight" materials are always green when applying them to logos no matter what the logo color is.

    -When creating a custom title using the template for the United States title as a base for my title. The material I chose for the front plate was wood, and I put a US title front plate relief on it. When I choose a title presentation or look at its render from anywhere, it's front plate is stretched out from the left side of the render.


    So there are multiple versions of Charlotte:



    -Charlotte Flair

    -Charlotte Flair'17

    -Charlotte Flair'18

    All versions of her have the entrance labeled "Charlotte Flair" but the version called "Charlotte Flair" has an entrance assigned to her called "Charlotte Flair 2", and when l choose the other Charlotte's entrances template to apply the version called "Charlotte Flair" it just puts The Rocks entrance as her entrance even though that wasn't the one I selected, it's bugged, l can't even copy another Charlotte's entrance to her.



    -Blood doesn't appear immediately when the opponent is busted open, not unless I go into the pause menu and go into Highlight Reel and play the clip, only then the blood appears. Same when the blood intensifies or increases and since there is no indicator of when the blood intensifies their is no way to know when I should go into the Highlight Reel to make the blood appear.(It seems to appear normally for me, tell me if it's fixed for you as well)

    -A.I. Struggles to get opponent back inside the ring, eventually causing a double count-out.(Fixed, A.I. in my matches don't struggle to get me back inside)

    -In tag matches, anyone other than the person starting the match will not be able to perform ground finishers. There is also a delay for ground grapples, the person just stands there in the ready position. Also, when trying to hit an OMG moment on the ground, they get stuck without doing any move, and the commentators get stuck in an infinite loop of saying the move is being done. All this in tag matches for people other than the first superstar that was selected in the select screen (2nd one selected, 3rd, etc...)(Fixed)

    -Crashes when trying to select a custom logo for CAA to put on a video wall using one of the outdoor venues.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Unpurchased DLC CAW parts still appear unlocked.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Random crashes could happen while doing various things (cause unknown, but could be related to creations, mainly happens in Universe, sometimes when using custom arenas too).

    -Some Socks clip through the bottom of some boots & shoes.

    -Renders are broken, sometimes 2 people show up in place of one render, or the same person's render shows in the same match. You can see most of those render glitches when you look any superstars render in the creation suite.(Fixed)

    -Game still crashes sometimes during entrances in custom arenas.(Fixed, I dint experience this while playing in multiple custom arenas, even in Universe)

    -Boost L2 when in submission moves it is very hit or miss if it actually boosts your red or blue meter.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Editing a rivalry match in universe and selecting the "Edit match - but keep rivalry" button, but after playing the match, no cutscenes were present.(Cant't confirm, tell if it's fixed for you)

    -Wrong people show up in cutscenes in Universe.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Signature and Finisher buttons wont show up even though you have a signature and finisher stored - Happens at random times.(Fixed)

    -If DLC character's themes are selected in jukebox, they don't ever end or move on to the next song, they just loop until you go into a match or universe or change the music yourself.(Fixed)

    -Not really a glitch, but something that may bother you, it's that Universe match tables seem to have a lot of brawl matches now, so you'd have to change the match table to your liking of that is a bother for you.(Fixed)

    -Royal Rumble matches crash when people are playing on co-op.(Can't confirm)

    -While using the NXT, North American, or Cruiserweight Title Straps, when you put a side plate template that has two sideplates per side, the game glitches and removes the sideplates completely from one side.(Fixed)

    -If you add group images in the face paint section of create a superstar, the logos will save. However, trying to use the CAW in a match or trying to their entrance will make all group logos disappear.(Fixed)

    -In MyCareer, the height of the MyPlayer is reduced in cutscenes, can be clearly seen if Tre is a giant and is shrunk in cutscenes.

    -Alt attires for some women make their hair glitchy, but if they don't have an alt attire, it doesn't glitch.

    -CAWs that have two attire slots filled with an attire are bugged. In Universe, if you try to assign attires in the edit a superstar menu it doesn't show the second attire slot to be selected as a default attire.

    -Legal superstars in tag matches roll out, this can be replicated if the tag match has more than one manager.(Fixed)

    -Sometimes, Show music doesn't play when starting a show in universe mode, it will play whatever is playing on the jukebox/menu music.(Fixed)

    -2nd slot for Alt attires bugs the nameplate and attire in entrances, especially in Universe, and when certain superstars come out (Buddy Murphy, Riott Squad, Robert Roode, etc.. basically Originals Characters with Alt Attires in the 2nd slot)(Fixed)

    -People can sometimes have red health at the start of a match, the cause might be when they are edited in the edit superstar section, and the first match they have will be with red health, but this mostly happens with CAWs, to replicate this, start a bunch of matches with CAWs after editing them.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Tyler Driver doesn't count as a finisher even when assigned as such, it acts like normal move and doesn't get you the pin fall victory.(Fixed)

    -Sarah Logan's Hair is glitchy.(Fixed)

    -Maryse's Hair is frozen in place.

    -Can't import attire parts when we click on "Import Attire" button and we import the attire in the second slot.

    -Universe Matches get set up, but they aren't the same ones when the show starts. This can be fixed by deleting the custom show, if the custom show is made again there will be no issues, but it should be fixed regardless.

    -Rope colors show up differently when creating the arena and when you play in the arena (Can be clearly seen when you make the rope color Red and it's shows up as Orange when you play in the arena).(Fixed)

    -Matches can be slower if the match is a 6/8-person match.(Fixed)

    -When you take a title off of someone in Play Mode, and you play as them, they will still have the title on them despite you taking it off.(Fixed)

    -1024x512 images can't be used for custom show logos, which was previously a feature in 2K19.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -In Universe mode, there is no option for crowd balance in the edit superstar section, there is only crowd reaction, even though it's there outside Universe.

    -The Street Profits' tag team finisher is broken, every time you go for the pin combo the person getting pinned instantly kicks out.

    -Deleting second attire of CAW could cause a crash.(Fixed)

    -Bret Hart's hair is glitched.(Fixed)

    -Royal Rumble Matches can crash if the Xbox One recorder unpauses.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Riptide move's pin animation is glitched. The kickout animation is switched with the successful pin animation.

    -Southpaw towers can crash. Mostly the Big Bartholomew and Street Ninja towers. They either don't load or have something broken within them like attires.(Can't confirm, tell me if it's fixed for you)

    -Managers almost never interact in the match (they don't distract or do anything than just stand around), it's especially clear when playing in Universe Mode.

    -When you change head size to big, it will change the template head. And if you go into templates to change it back it will act really strangely. trying to use an Asian face with I think was 1x3 and when I changed the size it went to 2x1. So I fixed it by going back to normal size, choosing the template of 2x1 and then going back to big size and it defaulted to 1x3 so maybe that works for everything.


    Tell me if I've missed any:

    -For a CAW if you have a tattoo on the bicep and a tattoo on the forearm, while both are custom images, then put a sleeve tattoo on that same arm and no matter what you do you can't place the new sleeve tattoo under the custom image tattoos, so it ends up looking messy.

    -When finishing a match in Universe mode the winner's name doesn't appear, then the screen goes black and the sounds keep on playing and you have to restart the game.

    -Triple H '01's hair bugs out when using an Alt Attire.

    -Feet clip through heeled shoes when editing CAWs.

    -Power Plex does no damage at all, Sitout Alabama Slam does no damage when you use pin combo, and the choke slam takedown won't generate a finisher as a signature.

    -People come out with the championship they've recently lost.

    -People with big beards get short beards when they enter the rumble.

    submitted by /u/Goodaa123
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    My personal universe promotion. Pure Pro Wrestling!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:05 PM PDT


    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Enzo CAW (limited due to image glitches)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    The King of No Man’s Land

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Neo Osaka can double as Gotham City. Had to make a Commissioner Gordon CAW just to take this shot!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    ADRENALINE! My main show in my universe!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Help with a stable members

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I had the idea of creating a stable known as the New Bro Order, obviously the Broserweights are in it but I can't think of a fitting third member, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/ANismanloMataron2
    [link] [comments]

    Have they still not patched in the ability to see who is on what show when selecting characters for a match in universe mode in 2k20?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    If not, I will stick with 2k19 because this is annoying to have to go back and see who belongs on each brand.

    submitted by /u/Jacobleeslp
    [link] [comments]

    [ps4] Pee Wee Herman #Peewee #Herman #Rcoehrs

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Do you run a completely custom show?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I've been wanting to run a custom show completely created by me but I don't have many ideas for themes and CAWs so I'm gonna listen to you first. Anything you can tell me?

    submitted by /u/mysubsecret
    [link] [comments]

    [SPS] Hey! We often see people asking online how to escape Hell In A Cell in the newer WWE games & we helped 345k+ people with our 2K18 guides, so here is our guide for 2K19! Fell free to check it out & let us know what you think! :D

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    You Good, Mox?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    The makers of ARC Survival are making a wrestling game with ROH and Impact!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    A Universe Project Idea

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone had any of your own custom Wrestlers that I could use for a WWE Universe. I thought it would be cool to see some of the communities personal creations

    Edit: It's for WWE 2k19 for PS4

    submitted by /u/ReaperOfWars
    [link] [comments]

    For people who make multiple CAWs what styles do you tend to?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    My main that I've made for ages is striker first, then depending on my interest at the time I'll change his moveset between high flyer and submission specialist sometimes mixing the two. I haven't gotten around to it with 20 but I usually make a super heavyweight athlete, a heavyweight and a cruiserweight or two depending on the time I put in. Some others I've made are a wrestling/submission specialist. I was just wondering if anyone else liked to specialize movesets?

    submitted by /u/RemiReignsUmbra
    [link] [comments]

    Changing arena in Universe Mode defaults to the Raw arena.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    As the title says, if I change the arena on any show in Universe Mode, for some reason it defaults to the Raw arena when I save and go back to edit it. This happens when I start playing the show too. Started happening a bit before patch 1.08 was out and it still hasn't been fixed. Am I the only one running into this issue? It happens even when I'm making a new Universe save. It's annoying and ruins the experience.

    submitted by /u/FallinTemptation
    [link] [comments]

    40 Legends Royal Rumble!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Stuck on this fucking objective. There isn’t even an “N15-J4X” because two of them are named “N14-J4X”. Am I doing something wrong here...?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Your NXT Intercontinental Champion:The Velveteen Dream !

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Here’s a picture of the stage layout for WWE World Tour: Japan for u/SexyBacon490

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:35 AM PDT

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